MG Corporate Family, consisting of 15 companies and 1,500 employees, is the first domestic and private business group to successfully implement the international standard of of business integrity, Integrity Compliance Program, coordinated and verified by the World Bank from Washington.

The process of implementing Integrity Compliance Program within the business system took 20 months and required alignment of all business processes with high requirements of business integrity international standards, with active supervision of every step by the World Bank.

In 2012, the World Bank imposed sanctions on MG Corporate family, as two companies from the group, due to insufficient knowledge of the World Bank’s prohibited practices regulations, submitted their bids for a local public procurement co-financed by the World Bank. Upon completion of the procurement procedure none of these two companies won the procurement, regardless, World Bank rules do not allow two or more companies that are in the same ownership to bid for the same procurement. This error led to sanctions for these two companies and for all related legal entities and individuals, despite the fact that the Law on Public Procurement of Bosnia and Herzegovina did not prohibit such actions.

After successfully implementing the Integrity Compliance Program, 06/27/2018 The World Bank issued a decision to release the MG corporate family from sanctions. The MG Corporate Family and the World Bank have agreed to co-operate on the mentoring plan for other companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of transferring knowledge and experience on rigorous international business integrity rules.

The owner of the MG Corporate Family, invited all companies in BiH and the Western Balkans to thoroughly study all the rules of the World Bank and other international financial institutions such as the EBRD, EIB and others that have the same or similar standards in order to align their business operations, thus avoiding the risk of errors that may have fatal consequences for their businesses.