Press Release – January 26, 2018 Washington DC:  WEFEC President Bojan Bajic will be establishing the Advisory Board for Compliance and Ethics in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the goal of developing principles and draft legislation of compliance law for adopting compliance program and compliance officers in government institutions. The Board, chaired by Compliance and Ethics professional Bojan Bajic will be joined by worldwide eminent Compliance and Ethics leaders Roy Snell, Joe Murphy, Stephen Cohen, Daniel Roach, and Odell Guyton.One of the biggest challenges for this board is to adjust model of western corporate compliance and ethics programs to be implemented within the public sector in transitional and developing countries in order to promote more integrity in government that will, in turn, positively affect the business community and attract foreign investment. The committee is being formed due to the interest by some government leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina who would like to implement effective compliance mechanisms in public sector.