The last, fifth module of specialized training in ethics and compliance was completed, with over 30 representatives of the public and private sector from Bosnia and Herzegovina participating in the project “Combating Corruption with a New Generation of Ethics and Compliance Experts” supported by the US Embassy in BiH.

The first day began with a speech by Mrs. Allyson Algeo, public relations officer at the United States Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The US Embassy recognized the need to educate the next generation of anti-corruption officers and supported this 14-day education.

We also talked about compliance programs at educational institutions with Daria Kuzmanovic, who works as an assistant vice chancellor for research integrity at the University of California.

The next day we talked about how to know if our Compliance program is effective? Who can give us information on this and how? We talked about the Compliance Function Audit with Aleksandar Jevtic, CIA, CFE, OIR, and through a hands-on workshop we saw what reporting on the findings of the Compliance Function audit looked like.

With practical exercises on how to educate on ethics and integrity issues, as well as reputational risk management, we have successfully completed the ethics and compliance training cycle supported by the US Embassy in BiH.

Thank you to all participants for their dedication and great contribution to this education.

We wish you all the best in your future work!