At Radon Plaza Hotel in Sarajevo, July 19, 2018 a seminar on “The Statement of Integrity in World Bank, EBRD, EIB and other International Financial Institutions procurement processes” was held in order to bring the company’s representatives closer to the standards of integrity that international financial institutions require in the procurement process and project implementation.

The biggest interest for participation in the seminar was shown by construction companies since international lenders mostly support partially or in full amount infrastructure projects.

The participants agreed that the information they could hear at the Seminar could potentially be crucial in managing the risks of lasting or perennial sanctions, that is, banning participation in projects financed by international financial institutions that can occur for companies but also for responsible persons in companies if strict integrity standards have been violated.

Topics covered at the Seminar:

    • The obligations that the company takes after the signing of the integrity statement during the procurement preparation phase, applying stage and the stage when the job is being carried out.
    • Prohibited practices, as well as examples of prohibited practices that are international financial institutions so far discovered and sanctioned.
    • Red flags that representatives of international financial institutions see as an indicator that prohibited practices are happening, and therefore the reason to open an investigation against the company.