West-East Forum for Ethics and Compliance (WEFEC) is professional association from Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose main goal is to increase the level of accountability and integrity in operations of public and business sector in transitional and developing countries. Through implementation of best practices in the field of ethics and compliance, we aim to begin the process of eradicating the culture of corruption and other negative business practices that handicaps economic growth, rule of law, and obstructs domestic and foreign investment.
Within our capacities, we are providing support to individuals who reported corruption and/or who are suffering the consequences resulting from corrupt activities occurring in public and business sector. We are monitoring and analyzing current events in this field.
If you would like to support us in development of integrity standards in public and private sector in transitional and developing countries and contribute to the fight against corruption, please contact us. If you would like to financially support the organization, you can make donation in a way described bellow. Thank you!
For payments from BiH:
Poslovna asocijacija ”WEFEC“
Istočno Sarajevo 71123, BiH
NLB Bank AD Milana Tepića 4, Banja Luka 78000, BiH
Transakcijski račun: 5620128145322610
Purpose: Donation
For payments outside BiH:
Business Association ”WEFEC“
Istočno Sarajevo 71123, BiH
NLB Bank AD Milana Tepića 4, Banja Luka 78000, BiH
IBAN: 395620128145322998
Purpose: Donation